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Selasa, 03 Januari 2012


Have you ever sent a letter to your loved ones for wishing them on Christmas, Diwali, Happy new year or any other important occasion. Most of you will reply, NO!, writing letters was an old tradition now the youth have got the power of cellular phones and sending SMS has replaced the aged tradition of sending letter.

SMS have their own disadvantages though as they have marred the beauty of language and people send their messages as if in a hurry and use irrelevant slangs. Well this drawback gets covered with the convenience SMS brings with them and that is speed. So, just open up this new year and send new year SMS to your loved ones. Cheers to 2012!!

Send funny SMSs on the new years eve to your friends and relatives. Some examples could be,

This new years eve I vow to stop irritating my friends by posting Cityville requests on their facebook wall.

Everytime I hear about irresponsible drinking. All my memories of previous new years eve comes to my mind. Cheers.:P,

It is not easy to give up. I am saying it is not easy to give up. So, from now on I am giving up my habit of saying “yes” when someone asks me for a drink but god please forgive me as I wont be saying no to anyone who asks me for one on this new years eve.

I dont know why somehow when new years eve is around my affinity towards names like Blenders Pride, Blue Label, Jack Daniels, Jameson suddenly increases. I am still not able to find the reason behind it. Anyways, Happy New Year!!!

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Deep Red Flaming
Blogger Harus Punya Gadget !
kamera digital
Untuk mendukung profesi, seorang blogger harus memiliki beberapa gadget. Gadget gadget itu juga ada hukumnya kayak wajib, sunah dll *kayak ibadah aja...*. Gadget gadget itu sangat penting karena bisa mendukung profesi kita sebagai blogger, terutama di bidang mencari ide untuk postingan. Ini dia daftarnya...

1. Kamera digital(hukumnya wajib). Benda ini wajib dibawa saat bepergian kemanapun. Kita kan nggak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi, jadi kalo kita selalu bawa kamera, sewaktu ada kejadian menarik, tinggal jepret n posting deh...
2. Handphone yang bisa Internet (sunah). Gunanya untuk ngekron ato posting singkat di beberapa blog. Selain itu, bisa juga ngenet kalo lagi bosen. Walaupun masih mahal sih... o' iya, kalo bisa hpnya yg ada kameranya. Bisa nggantiin kamera digital deh...
3. Laptop+modem (sangat sunah sekali). Untuk keperluan mobile, sebenarnya laptop sangatlah penting. Tapi apa daya, bagi kita yang kere2 ini, laptop bukanlah barang yang murah. Nanti aja lah, kalo udah ada penghasilan baru beli
4. Uang !!! (sangat amat wajib sekali). Di dompet, minimal ada uang 10 ribu *kalo lagi bokek 5000 gak papa lah*. Uang ini berperan sebagai pengganti laptop. Betull ini buat ongkos ke warnet jika ada hal mendadak. Kalo gak punya laptop, ke warnet aja kan udah lumayan;).

Mungkin itu aja gadget2 yang dibutuhkan para blogger *walaupun yang no 4 bukan gadget*. May be ada tambahan?

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