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What Are Pages?

What Are Pages?

Blogger pages let you to publish static information on stand-alone pages linked from your blog. For example, you can use pages to create an About This Blog page that discusses the evolution of your blog, or a Contact Me page that provides directions, a phone number, and a map to your location.
You create a page similar to how you write a blog post. From Blogger in Draft click Posting | Edit Pages tab, then click New Page. (Note: you can create up to 10 pages)
Once your page is published, you can link to it from the new Pages widget. The Pages widget lets you add links to your pages as tabs at the top of your blog, or as links in your blog's sidebar. (Note: existing third party templates may not support pages as tabs, but pages can still be added as links in your blog's sidebar)
In the Pages widget, you can decide which pages will have links, and in what order they will appear. You can also choose whether or not you want links automatically created for pages when you create them by checking or unchecking the box to the left of Add New Pages by Default.
For information on how to add a gadget to your blog, you can visit Adding a Gadget
Making Custom Templates Compatible With Pages Tabs
If you are familiar with HTML and want Pages as tabs, follow these steps carefully (caution - this is not for the faint of heart!):
  1. Make sure the Pages Widget hasn't already been added, if so, remove the widget
  2. Go to the Layout | Edit HTML tab for your blog
  3. Download a backup of your template by clicking Download Full Template
  4. Click the checkbox next to Expand Widget Templates
  5. Look for the following three lines of HTML. If this HTML exists, change showaddelement='no' to showaddelement='yes'
  6. <div id='crosscol-wrapper' style='text-align:center'>
             <b:section class='crosscol' id='crosscol' showaddelement='no'/>
  7. If this HTML does not exist, paste the following lines of HTML where you want the tabs to appear (for instance, after <div id='content-wrapper'>)
  8. <div id='crosscol-wrapper' style='text-align:center'>
             <b:section class='crosscol' id='crosscol' showaddelement='yes'/>
  9. Confirm tabs are correctly added, click Save Template
  10. Go to Layout | Page Elements and look for the new horizontal Gadget area and add the Pages gadget there.
Deep Red Flaming
Blogger Harus Punya Gadget !
kamera digital
Untuk mendukung profesi, seorang blogger harus memiliki beberapa gadget. Gadget gadget itu juga ada hukumnya kayak wajib, sunah dll *kayak ibadah aja...*. Gadget gadget itu sangat penting karena bisa mendukung profesi kita sebagai blogger, terutama di bidang mencari ide untuk postingan. Ini dia daftarnya...

1. Kamera digital(hukumnya wajib). Benda ini wajib dibawa saat bepergian kemanapun. Kita kan nggak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi, jadi kalo kita selalu bawa kamera, sewaktu ada kejadian menarik, tinggal jepret n posting deh...
2. Handphone yang bisa Internet (sunah). Gunanya untuk ngekron ato posting singkat di beberapa blog. Selain itu, bisa juga ngenet kalo lagi bosen. Walaupun masih mahal sih... o' iya, kalo bisa hpnya yg ada kameranya. Bisa nggantiin kamera digital deh...
3. Laptop+modem (sangat sunah sekali). Untuk keperluan mobile, sebenarnya laptop sangatlah penting. Tapi apa daya, bagi kita yang kere2 ini, laptop bukanlah barang yang murah. Nanti aja lah, kalo udah ada penghasilan baru beli
4. Uang !!! (sangat amat wajib sekali). Di dompet, minimal ada uang 10 ribu *kalo lagi bokek 5000 gak papa lah*. Uang ini berperan sebagai pengganti laptop. Betull ini buat ongkos ke warnet jika ada hal mendadak. Kalo gak punya laptop, ke warnet aja kan udah lumayan;).

Mungkin itu aja gadget2 yang dibutuhkan para blogger *walaupun yang no 4 bukan gadget*. May be ada tambahan?

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