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Jumat, 22 Juli 2011

Cerpen Bahasa Inggris: "The Greek Sea Sight"

This entry was posted by Arny Sahachein on Saturday, 18 December, 2010 at
“The Greek Sea Sight”

Berikut Cerpen Bahasa Inggris, bercerita Tentang Orang Inggris :

“The Greek Sea Sight”
One summer, his best friend, Mary-shen invited him to go to a vacation in Greece. He never went to Greece, he wanted to know about the country, so he decided to join the-shane Marry in Holiday.
In Greece they were staying at a hotel near the beach. There, they were greeted by a man named Aaeroniz friendly. He is the manager of the hotel. One night Martina Lourdes went to the bar to drink some, he found Aeroniz stand there and they start a conversation.
“You know, I have a boat located near the beach. Actually it belongs to my brother, but if you prefer, we can go for a trip tomorrow. What do you think?” The man said to him.
“Wow, it would be nice,” he accepted the invitation and she went with him the next day. They enjoyed their trip very much, especially Lourdes who had sailed with the boat.
Actually, Lourdes like Greek scenery, so after the first trip, he came out with the manager of the hotel every day. As usual they swim, sunbathe and spend more time together at sea. They really enjoyed it.
End holidays come, Lourdes had to go back. He was in the airport already but, suddenly, he decided not to return to Liverpool, his home town. He thought, he wanted to stay in Greece. Then, this girl left the airport and directly back to the hotel where Aroniz as manager.
When he arrived he saw Aeronis at the bar with a woman and she decided to hear their conversation.
“Do you want to go for a boat ride my brother?” The word Aeronis invite her. But Lourdes is not concerned about it and he came close to them.
Aeronis Lourdes was surprised when he found standing beside him and the woman. He was very surprised, she smiled at him he gets. Aeronis think Lourdes will be angry with him but, he just said that the purpose that he was looking for a job at the hotel.
Lourdes was not angry when he knew the fact that it Aeronis playboy, because he does not fall in love with him but, he fell in love with Greece and sea views.
yach gitulah sekiranya cerita pendek dari saya tentang The Greek Sea Sight

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Blogger Harus Punya Gadget !
kamera digital
Untuk mendukung profesi, seorang blogger harus memiliki beberapa gadget. Gadget gadget itu juga ada hukumnya kayak wajib, sunah dll *kayak ibadah aja...*. Gadget gadget itu sangat penting karena bisa mendukung profesi kita sebagai blogger, terutama di bidang mencari ide untuk postingan. Ini dia daftarnya...

1. Kamera digital(hukumnya wajib). Benda ini wajib dibawa saat bepergian kemanapun. Kita kan nggak pernah tau apa yang akan terjadi, jadi kalo kita selalu bawa kamera, sewaktu ada kejadian menarik, tinggal jepret n posting deh...
2. Handphone yang bisa Internet (sunah). Gunanya untuk ngekron ato posting singkat di beberapa blog. Selain itu, bisa juga ngenet kalo lagi bosen. Walaupun masih mahal sih... o' iya, kalo bisa hpnya yg ada kameranya. Bisa nggantiin kamera digital deh...
3. Laptop+modem (sangat sunah sekali). Untuk keperluan mobile, sebenarnya laptop sangatlah penting. Tapi apa daya, bagi kita yang kere2 ini, laptop bukanlah barang yang murah. Nanti aja lah, kalo udah ada penghasilan baru beli
4. Uang !!! (sangat amat wajib sekali). Di dompet, minimal ada uang 10 ribu *kalo lagi bokek 5000 gak papa lah*. Uang ini berperan sebagai pengganti laptop. Betull ini buat ongkos ke warnet jika ada hal mendadak. Kalo gak punya laptop, ke warnet aja kan udah lumayan;).

Mungkin itu aja gadget2 yang dibutuhkan para blogger *walaupun yang no 4 bukan gadget*. May be ada tambahan?

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